FIFA ranking calculator

FIFA ranking - Germany football team - matches

Match date Home team Score Away Team Weight FIFA match type Tournament
Nov 17, 2022   Oman (OMA)
0-1   Germany (GER)
5 Friendly matches played outside of International Match Calendar windows (I=5) Friendly International
Nov 23, 2022   Germany (GER)
1-2   Japan (JPN)
50 FIFA World Cup final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=50) World Cup
Nov 28, 2022   Spain (ESP)
1-1   Germany (GER)
50 FIFA World Cup final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=50) World Cup
Dec 02, 2022   Costa Rica (CRC)
2-4   Germany (GER)
50 FIFA World Cup final competition matches up until the QF stage (I=50) World Cup

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